Have More Fun With Facebook Chat Using Images

How To Insert Image/Photos in Facebook Chat Box
No doubt, Facebook is one of best social networking website and almost everybody wants to be on Facebook. Lots of time we can spend on this social networking website. We make friends here, share photos, update status and many more things. Besides these, one Feature is more popular i.e. Facebook Chat. We use this option to interact with our friends who are online or offline it does not matter. By default, we are able to send Text as well as “Smiley” through Facebook Chat Box to out friends. So, here i am going to Guide you how to have more fun by showing any images/photos through this Chat Box to your friend.

If you are chatting with your friend and want to show them some images/photos saved on your computer, through Chat Box, you need to convert the image into “Facebook Smiley Chat Codes”. After converting, paste the Code in the chat box and hit enter. The image will be visible to you and your friend. To do this, complete the following steps.
01.  You just need to visit “SmileyChatCodes” Generator website.
02.  Click on “Choose File” Option and select Image saved on your computer and open
03.  Now click on “Upload Now” button and wait until the images is converted into the Facebook Smiley Chat Codes

After conversion, a box containing Codes will be display on the same page. You need to Copy These Codes and Paste in Facebook Chat Box and hit Enter. As you press Enter, the codes will be converted into image and will be visible to you and your friend, see the following screenshot.

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