How To Change Your Facebook URL / Email Id / Username Only Once

Customize Your Facebook Email Address
Before i let you know about changing your Facebook Email Id or User Name or URL, you must know about what they are. Well, Your Facebook URL is a unique web address through which anyone can see your FB Profile by tying it in Web Address Bar. Your Complete URL looks like “”. The Words after .Com/ you are seeing, is your “Username”. Generally, username includes letters and Numbers like”. When you create an account on FB, the user name automatically becomes your FB Email Id like or Generally it is found in “about section” and it is visible to public until you hide it. Coming to the point, here i am going to show you the procedure to change your FB URL / Email Id / Username.

Why Should We Change Our Facebook URL?
It does not matter if you do not rename it. The benefit of changing it, you can remember it as well as your friends easily. Your FB email id will look like traditional email id. You use it to log in to FB Account because it may be short than primary email id.

Follow These Steps to Change
  • Log in to your FB Account and go to “Account Setting
  • Under “General Account Setting” you will see “Name”, “Username”, “Email”, “Password”, “Networks”, “Language” etc. with “Edit” option for each of them.
  • Click on “Edit” option of “Username” you will see like following picture

  • Enter New Name in “Username” box. When you enter the name, you will see a message like “Username is not available” or “Username is available”.
  • If you enter the name and it is available and you want to make it your user name, you just need to enter your facebook password in the box placed below it and click on “Save Changes

Note: You can make changes in your username only once. You not get another chance. So, make sure that you want to customize username with the works you have entered, before making “Save Changes”.

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